6 Am and Ole Blue is ready to go.
Quiet rural Steven St. begins the commute
Soon the ride approaches Rt. 24 where the road passes one of the old dams before crossing over the highway.
The road will soon become much busier. A high probablilty that traffic will come to a stand still.
After crossing the highway quiet rural roads take me to the high school and rt 140.
Rt 140 can get hairy with cars occasionally comming a little close. Most drivers are very willing to share the road.
Car getting back into his lane after giving a wide berth.
Not so wide berth
Crossing the Engle St Bridge on the way to High St.
A little way on Engle then onto High St. which takes me to the downtown section of the commute.
Old High St. home
Approaching downtown Taunton I have to cross a couple of busy roads before entering the backside of downtown.
Riding the ouskirts of the town square to avoid the roundabout and all it's traffic.
Have to give a shout out to one of my LBSs. Travis Bike.
Blue taking a break while I stop for a drink.
A little more than halfway and we head back to rural riding. Up a short hill thru a residential street takes me to the entrance of the Taunton State hospital. Here is were some go for their 20 or 30 day evaluations before going to court. Also some of the area mental patients are housed here and the juvenile detention center is also on the grounds.
Approaching hospital entrance.
"When you come to the fork in the road, take it" Yogi Berra
Another quiet road in the Asylum grounds.
Approaching the buildings complex.
Unwanted juveniles are stored up the road on the right.
Need a job?
Back on the main roads again. The next couple of miles are a series of long slight graded hills. These and others used to be a problem before I learned how to pedal properly.
Past the junkyard heading toward the quarry.
School bus alley. Where they stop at every third house or so to pick up kids.
This is a shorcut for a mountain or cyclocross. The dirt is very soft and difficult to traverse. It's easier to go around on a road or hybrid bike.
An example of some of the nice homes along the route.
The industrial park where my office is located has a back entrance that is for the trucks using the rock quarry. It's there to direct them through the park to avoid using the residential streets. I can get behind one of these and draft up to around 30 mph for a quarter mile or so. I have gotten some really strange looks from drivers when they spot me in their mirror and I am right on their bumper.
Dirt monkeys waiting to get into the quarry.
Some say that this rock quarry is where Titelist gets it's golf ball materials.
Getting close. Right turn here onto John Hancock Rd. brings me to General Dynamics.
No pedestrians but bikes and rental trucks filled with fertalizer are ok.
Hummers for Halliburton. $200k Each.
Eleven miles from the start we are here.
Into the parking lot.
Head to the back entrance through the smokers.
Put Blue in his spot.
Shower and get clothes ready.
Then log in to work.