Sunday, June 12, 2005

Riding Across America

I have been following Mike Riscica aka chickenlips999 on his solo trip of the Trans-Am bike route. It's a 1220 mile ride across the center of the country, from Norfolk Va. to Oregon. He seem like he is having a blast. He brought along a laptop and a digital camera, which allows us to share his experiences. The part about his journal that keeps my interest is his writing skills and wit. He writes very simple dialog and adds these little quips that always bring a smile. Typical New York attitude.

I also read the bike forums, commuter, over 50 and road bike sections of the pages. Here I am getting to know some interesting people that are, as I am, "bike nuts". Whenever I think, "I feel like doing something", most times it is deciding which bike to fire up and where to ride.

I am a daily commuter to work. My office is around 40 miles from home. Too far for daily commutes, so I park at convenient locations and ride to work. The usual is a 10 mile commute through the back roads of Taunton, Ma.

Much of the ride is mundane and routing but on the mornings I am a little early I take a detour through a couple of abandoned properties. One is the former aslymum and the other, an abandoned school for severly handicapped.

The state school

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The alylum main house

There is a path in R.I. that traverses from Providence to Bristol. Around 13 miles or so, one way. There are some fantastic sights and very interesting people. Bikers however need to finish before noon on a nice weekend day. It can get crowded with walkers, skaters and families on bikes. But if you get there early you can get a good ride accomplished with some very unique sights.

Something here that you don't see every day. Or any day for that matter. The Providence R.I. skyline. From a very unique angle no less.

I also have some amazing routes near my home. I can do counrty rides, waterfront rides that take me into the fishing and scalloping capital, New Bedford, which during the whaling era, was the worlds richest city. Think Moby Dick.
From Revolutionary War encampments

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To whaleboat race training

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To the magnificent archetecture or the Fairhaven High School

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Leaving us at my favorite spot on the Phoenix Bike path in Fairhaven. Ma.
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