Monday, August 08, 2005

First Bonk, First Flat

A couple of first over the past two days. Yesterday, wifey and I rode the East Bay Bike Path in RI. A 26 mile round trip flat bike path. I had only a couple of slices of toast for breakfast and some water before embarking on the ride. Halfway through I developed a headache and soon after became very very sleepy. The 10 miles back to the car was not really too bad, but the drive home was horrible. I had a very difficult time keeping my eyes open. Once I got something to eat, the recovery was quick. I had heard about bonking and now have experienced it.

The second, "first" was a flat. I crossed the Fairhaven bridge, carried the bike down the stares and soon after heard a faint click, click, click. I stopped immediately and checked the front tire where I though the noise originated. Halfway sprinting across the highway Rt18, the back tire went flat. A quick check found a minute piece of glass embedded in the tire. If I had only checked the back tire, I could have prevented the glass from going deep enough. I did manage to change it after getting a ride home. My only fear is that I put the wheel back on properly so it doesn't fall off while riding, and that I changed my first tire without pinching the tube. Tomorrows ride will tell. I do have a junk bike for learning maintainance but haven't gotten around to trying anything yet.

The flat gives me another opportunity to visit Travis bike in Taunton to get a couple of tubes. The owner is great to talk bikes with,especially clyclocross bikes.

Back to the Sunday ride. I did get a couple of good pictures in Colt State park. One for a friend who just finished a ride across the US. Yup, coast to coast on a bike in just under 3 months. One picture for son Todd, and one just because it was a nice shot.

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Humphry the turtle

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Can't shake the feeling of missing Todd at his old employer

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Crazy shaped bridge in Colt State Park, Bristol R.I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bonk doesn't sound like a good thing. I have a problem with eating and biking. I have to make sure I eat first, because a ride completely takes away my appetite. As for the flat...I'm on the waiting list for Wenches with Wrenches. It's a bike repair course for women, taught by women. I really hope I can get in there.